
"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."
Alma 26:12


Leah's Mission Timeline

Leah's Mission Timeline

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 23, 2014: Two months down today! :( :)

Hello Family!

I love you all so much! It sounds like everything is good. Thanks for the emails!

Life is great down here! It was a crazy week with transfers and everything. Last Monday we went to the beach again because Sister Tominey was leaving and wanted to see it one more time. A member, Sister Ashby and her daughter Mariah, took us. I love that family! They are pretty much our parents out here! Her husband is the branch mission leader.

Tuesday morning we woke up at 5 to get Sister Tominey to the airport. We were exhausted. We didn't end up getting there until about 6:15 though. When we got there they wouldn't let her on the plane because apparently you have to be to the gate 2-3 hours before the plane leaves! Haha! So that worked out! She got another day here in Cayman! The office scheduled her another flight for Wednesday morning.

So Wednesday morning we had to get up at 4! Nosah! We were like zombies because we were already exhausted from the previous morning. We took her to the airport and came back and slept for about an hour until we had to get up at 6:30. So Wednesday we were in a trio. It was Sister Mashabela, Sister Coleman, and me. The day was great! We also had district meeting. The Zone Leaders in Freeport taught because Sister Tominey was gone. We talked about overcoming our doubts and fears and fortifying our faith. Wow it was amazing! The missionaries out here are just so inspired and I learn something every time we talk to them. We talked about Mosiah 11-18 when it talks about Abinadi and when he teaches King Noah and the priests are dumb and all that and they harden their hearts against the Lord. Then Abinadi is burned at the stake in Chapter 17. But, Abinadi not knowing, there is one man that he touches. Alma. And Alma believes and goes on to preach the word and organize the church and eventually many, many people are baptized. I love that story so much! On Wednesday it just hit me even harder though. We need to be examples every single day of our lives. 24/7. There are always people watching. Be that good example and continually try your best to follow Jesus Christ and become like him. In Preach My Gospel there is a section all about Christlike attributes. Go and read it. You will love it. Promise. Haha! Then evaluate yourself on how you are doing to become like Christ and not just become like Christ sometimes, or when you feel like it. That's like saying you only want to be a member of the one true church on this whole earth sometimes. That's like saying you only want to strive for exaltation, eternal life and the celestial kingdom sometimes. There is so much we need to do and we don't have much time to do it. Don't procrastinate. Be the example ALL the time. Once you realize, (like I did) how much is at stake here and how BADLY we need to strive ALL the time to be like Christ you will also do those things to bring you closer to our goal. If you aren't ALWAYS striving for the Celestial Kingdom, then what are you striving for? What is YOUR purpose of being here?

Sorry.... There is my little peanut gallery for the day. I just kind of went off. haha! Gotta love the Spirit!

Anyway, later that night we went and visited Tyrone. We taught him about keeping the Sabbath Day holy, the Sacrament, and briefly the Law of Chastity, and the Word of Wisdom. It was a great lesson. The Spirit was really strong. After the lesson the three of us went to the car and drove away. As Sister Mashabela and I were talking we all of the sudden got a phone call. It was from Sister Coleman. .....What? haha! We look in the back, She's not there! We flipped! hahaha! So we turn around and went back to pick her up! It was so funny! I felt really bad that we left her on that dark scary road. I think she wasn't offended... jk haha! It was awesome though.

Thursday we went and picked up Sister Newcomer from the airport. She only has two transfers left. Looks like she will be dying in Cayman. She is awesome though! We love her!

Sister Mashabela and I had Ashley, a member from Honduras, with us to go and teach her best friend named Mya, who is about 16 and Caymanian. I love Mya! She is awesome! Ashley has brought her to church twice and Mya absolutely loves church! She loves the spirit that you feel there. She says it is different than anything she has ever felt. The lesson we had was amazing too! We talked more about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon and the Spirit. And MAN the spirit was strong! We committed her to be baptized on July 12th too! I am praying so hard that everything works out and that she will be able to fight off the adversary and temptations that come her way. She is amazing! After we went and visited Mya, we went and visited a man named 'Iced Tea' who loves to record music for people. His real name is Phillip and he is hilarious! He is Jamaican. He loves God and we can't wait to see him again to teach him about the Restoration!

Friday we stopped by quickly before a dinner appointment to see Tyrone and we asked him how he was doing with preparing and getting ready for his baptism. I think we are going to drop him soon. He is not really keeping commitments which makes me so so so so so so sad because I know what this can do for his life! And he has totally felt the Spirit! Anyway, as we were leaving he handed me a note. When we got into the car Sister Mashabela and I opened it up and it said, "Would you marry me?" Ha! Nosah! He needs to figure out his priorities. haha. Sister Mashabela and I just laughed our heads off!

It was a good week though. We had some great lessons. I hope that you all have a fantastic and blessed week. I love you all and I pray for you daily! Keep going strong. Always do those things that are pleasing to our father in heaven. Thanks for the emails!


Sister Mouritsen 

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