Man, what to say about this week? If I could describe it in one word definitions:
and many others.
I don't know where to start.
I guess I had been feeling these pains since last summer in Cayman definitely and in Ochi but it wasn't as bad in Ochi. I look back now and it really was a miracle that I made it all 4 1/2 months in Jamaica with lesser pain. I thank my Heavenly Father so much for that!
Well since being in Nassau I have gotten to meet some great people! I haven't gotten to spend as much time as I would have liked with them but.. things happen. I could tell the longer I had been here that I was getting more, and more pain. It felt like my tail bone, which felt like a knife, was trying to poke through my skin. haha. This sounds ridiculous and I would joke around with the other sisters that I was growing a tail! Because that's what it felt like! And then Sister Judd said, "you're turning into a tad pole!" But I said, 'Mmmm.. I think I'd RATHER be a tad pole because they lose their tails!' haha! We had a lot of good laughs but it never took away the pain completely.For the past few nights I hadn't been sleeping and I would wake up and go boil water to put my washrag in so that I could put it on my tailbone but it would only stay hot for about 3 minutes and then I would have to get up and go do it again. Man! Walking, sitting, lying down, it all hurt!
On Tuesday we went to a doctor to get it checked out and she just told me that I needed to buy a doughnut pillow (that looks like a cheerio. ugh. ugly humiliating thing) and then get some pills. She said that whether it was broken, bruised or fractured it would make no sense to X-Ray it because you can't do anything about it. I was livid. And I had to buy a stupid pillow that feels like i'm sitting on 2 by 4s. haha. I could barely move that day. Sister Judd is a saint as well. On Tuesday she boiled, and boiled, and boiled water until she filled the tub about 2 inches so that I could sit in it to release the pain. Man that was the best thing ever. I sat in there until the water was cold and then gone because we don't have a way to close the drain so we used a wash rag. It was the best.
Then Wednesday came and I woke up with more pain than I could possibly bear. More pain than I'd had my entire mission. Anyway Wednesday I woke up and was just in tears again because of the pain and I think I was just so fed up with everything. So we drove to the ER and that's when they put me on a table and shoved some needles in me to stop the pain and I had never felt so good in my entire life. I could lie down! The doctor told me that I had to get surgery and I was scheduled for it around 1 o'clock. One of the members came and gave me a blessing right before I went in though. I was terrified. It really calmed me down.
They wheeled me into the operating room which scared me half to death! It was like a movie with the big lights and everyone has masks on and they were sticking me with needles that felt like they were putting shards of glass into me and then I was out...
The next thing I remember is waking up and having a man trying to put another needle into the top of my hand and saying it wasn't working. Apparently the one in my forearm stopped working. Eventually they were able to get one into the top of my right hand. Ridiculous. I guess I was talking to a lady named Cyndy and trying to get her to go to the temple because she said she had been to Utah. I don't recollect that though. haha! It was funny.
Finally my sisters came in and I was taken to my room where they held me over night and I was finally able to go home the next day. I felt like a queen in there! There were menus for food and tv, which i didn't watch, and everything else! It was a WAY nicer hospital than in Ochi. I can't even tell you enough how blessed I was to come here at this time.
Since Thursday I have been on 'house arrest'. I had a follow-up with the doctor on Friday and he made me wait and sit in that chair for 3 hours saying he was just upstairs doing something. ugh! Patience is a virtue.
Then I also got to come out on Sunday for sacrament meeting but i had to take my doughnut, which was humiliating.
So that pretty much sums up my week. I am just so blessed to have been able to be watched over so closely by my Heavenly Father. He is mindful of each one of us. I read a talk this morning called Forget Me Not. That really helped me to understand this even more. It's by Uchtdorf. But I love this Gospel more than anything and I can't wait to get back to work! Hopefully tomorrow. We'll see what they say. I love you all! Thanks for everything!
Sister Mouritsen
We made Raspberry duff but....they forgot to tell us that sugar is an ingredient.....haha.
At the hospital.
And my medications.....
Boredom at it's finest. Check it out. Rev 13.